EZMeetup Powerful mobility software for iOS, Android, Mac and Windows

EZMeetup Powerful mobility software for iOS, Android, Mac and Windows

Thông tin nhanh về sản phẩm

  • Tên sản phẩm: EZMeetup Powerful mobility software for iOS, Android, Mac and Windows
  • Mã sản phẩm: EZMeetup 
  • Hãng sản xuất: Aver 
  • Xuất xứ: Taiwan
  • The EZMeetup mobility software/app is a practical, collaborative program designed especially for AVer’s multipoint video conferencing systems. It allows users to extend video conferencing from traditional conference rooms to desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones. As SIP servers, AVer multipoints can allow 3 to 9 EZMeetup users to register and communicate with each other. Users will enjoy clear images and sound, ensuring that those important people can enjoy high-quality video conferencing wherever they are. The EZMeetup Plus on Windows® support H.323 communication protocol, you can not only communicate with AVer's products, but also 3rd-party video conferencing systems.
  • Bảo hành: Chính hãng 1 năm
  • Lắp đặt: Chưa bao gồm vật tư và chi phí lắp đặt
  • Giao hàng: Miễn phí
  • Xem thêm thông tin: www.namlong.vn

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